Careers & Employability Service

The Careers and Employability Service provides students with the information, advice and guidance they need before, during and after graduating from the University of Suffolk. The service is available to all current and prospective students, as well as to graduates of the University of Suffolk within three years of their graduation.


The commitment to careers and employability across the curriculum is an important characteristic of the courses offered at the University of Suffolk and students are encouraged to get involved in exciting opportunities that can greatly enhance employability. The newest Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey, surveying leavers from our 2015/16 student cohort, reported that 95% of University of Suffolk graduates have gone on to employment or further study, embarking on careers varying from Account Management to Careers Advice, Architecture to Games Design, and a wide range in between.

How to prepare for life after university

At the University of Suffolk , you will have the opportunity to consider your future career, reflect on your previous experiences and prepare to find employment. The Careers team offer confidential advice, mock interviews, and provide the opportunity for students to realise their vocational potential.  Support is available to develop important careers related skills and knowledge, such as CV design and interview techniques. There are also work experience opportunities in the Internship Programme.

We hold careers events and fairs which enable students and potential employers to network, and these events are arranged each academic year. Find out more about our most recent Meet and Greet with Suffolk based organisation, Coderus, and meet our University of Suffolk graduate who is now working there after completing a summer internship with them during his studies.

Up-to-date information about jobs and graduate careers is also available through the Online Jobs Board and our variety of social media accounts listed at the end of the page.

How could this affect me?

Find out about our Supported Student Placement Scheme.  These paid roles are for students who have limited previous experience perhaps due to caring responsibilities, personal circumstances, or who may identify with having a disability, mental health condition or learning differences (for example autism, physical impairment, dyslexia and dyspraxia). We will support you in reflecting and developing the skills you need to compete in the job market.

Each placement will have a mentor to support and guide you and to help you with strategies to increase your confidence and job seeking skills. All placements are based on the Ipswich campus within Student Services.

These roles are funded by the University of Suffolk Foundation Board – Applications are closed for the academic year 2017 – 2018.

Work experience bursary

For summer 2018, we are very pleased to launch our first work experience bursary for current University of Suffolk students. Funded by the University of Suffolk Foundation Board, the bursary has been introduced to support students undertaking extra-curricular work experience opportunities with costs such as childcare and travel. Find out more here. Applications have now closed for the 2017/2018 academic year, and our first awards have been made to successful students.

Please email the team if you feel you could benefit from a Work Experience Bursary, and we will be very happy to assess your case to see how we may be able to help.

Practical tips

A Careers Adviser is available for information, advice and careers guidance.


T: 01473 338833

For regular updates:

Twitter: @UOS_StuServices and @UOS_Internships

Facebook: /UniofSuffolkCareers